Fanbase Discovery & Growth Newsletter 2024.

Solid advice: just once a month.

(it's free!)

Fanbase Discovery & Growth Newsletter 2024.

Solid advice: just once a month.

(it's free!)

Fanbase Discovery & Growth Newsletter 2024.

Solid advice: just once a month.

(it's free!)

Best digital tools and websites for Music Marketing 2024

3 Jan 2024

Hi folks,

I spend my days looking for tech like this (it's my job!) so I hope you find these interesting. Using the latest tech to get the best out of marketing this year is a must and I think these are worth a shot. (I have no affiliation with any of these).

Content Creation: - AI Video generator that doesn't look whack (imo) and is affordable. You need to think outside the box to get the best out of it, give it some style direction and use 'scenes' to blend together something original. Here's one I did last year that came out dope. - Video Editing. Maybe obvious but if you're not using pro tools like premiere pro, this is a great editor that can really enhance your video development. Tip: Always add captions, capcut makes this easy.

Tuneform - Decent song visualizer.

Marketing: (website maker) - It's 2024 folks, get yourself a website! A dedicated website is a must. Personally I think Linktree is looking really tired. Supertape offers this and looks really decent. Bonus: If you're ready to spend serious energy on a site, look into no-code platforms such as Framer. - Analytics with the power of AI. Get a better understanding of where your streams are coming from and let it shape your next campaign. Free to start!

Hope someone here finds this useful!

Need any help with these or marketing your music in general? Perhaps you've got a special release coming up that needs our professional tactics? See how we can help at

- Joe


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